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A confirmation email is coming to you.

Be sure it doesn’t get lost in spam or some other place.

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You must be able to open these emails for your custom abs workout program to work. There will be a need to email you and notify you to take some action to customize the program to fit your needs.

So, save this email address into your email contacts right now to be safe.


As a thank you, you may download our Lower Abs Exercises Schedule Chart.

The best thing about any program is the accomplishment of accepting help when you begin. This is the first accomplishment. By statistical 0dds, you have surpassed 80 % of this program’s difficulty already by finding us and opting in. The exercises on the chart below only take up 3 minutes of your day for the first 2 months, longer if you customize it with added variants.

This chart is a printable .pdf file that displays a colorful calendar that you print out and have in the place you choose to exercise. Have it on a wall or table with a pencil to mark variations or extra reps. Use hash marks to record your reps in the days of the chart. The calendar covers a month and is designed to ramp up your workout with scheduling of all the exercises. That engages all the important muscle groups. Also it’s designed to increase intensity but then back off or phase out some exercises, creating an ebb and flow in the effort required.

The last two columns schedule variant exercises that will be coming in the emails to our members that fill out the program that has just started with this download. These variant exercises can be something you’re already doing like taking the stairs, then you can count the steps and chart them. Or if you can’t do an exercise due to pain, then you can use the variant column to track a substitute exercise. I like to recommend a beginner simply repeat getting down to sit or lay flat on the floor and getting up to standing again for each repetition.

Lower Abs Exercises Schedule Chart.

Click, Save, View, Print It

View Lower Abs Exercises Schedule Chart

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Maybe take this with you?
KETO is a body state where fat is used up for fuel prevented from forming out of sugars and starches, and not allowed to collect as flab over your muscles.
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Need to reduce cellulite before you can move like this?

exercising modified sit ups