Lower Ab Exercises

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What Are The Different Types Of Fat

The Different Types Of Fat

What are the different types of fats that are listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel of some foods?
Why should most of the fat you eat should be of the mono- and polyunsaturated types?


More than a handful is a wasteThere are 4 basic types of fat listed on the Nutrition facts panel.

Saturated fat. Usually solid at room temperature, saturated fats are found in animal products such as meat and milk, as well as in coconut and palm oil. Saturated fat is often used in foods to prevent rancidity and off flavors. No more than 5% to 10% of your total daily calories should come from saturated fat.

Trans fat. Trans fats are transitional fats that are created when liquid fats such as vegetable oil are hydrogenated into more densely solid fats. This is used to make animal fat replacements like margarine from vegetable oil. It also refines animal fat into shortening. Trans fats are linked with high LDL cholesterol, which can increase your risk of heart disease. Consume as little trans fat as possible.

Monounsaturated fat. A healthy fat found in foods such as tree nuts, olive oil, and avocados. It is used in many products to replace saturated fats. A diet substituting monounsaturated fats for saturated fats can help lower bad cholesterol. Most of the fat in your diet should be mono- and polyunsaturated. All fats have 9 calories per gram.

Polyunsaturated fat. A fat found in foods such as walnuts, salmon, flax and hemp seed. Polyunsaturated fats provide essential fatty acids such as omega-3’s and omega-6’s to your diet plan.


Now you know the difference between the 4 types of fat. Saturated fat, Trans fat, Monounsaturated fat, and Polyunsaturated fat.


(CLICK THIS -To continue reading the Nutrition Facts Panel Page)

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Keywords for this page:

Monounsaturated fat, Polyunsaturated fat, Saturated fat, Trans fat, types of fat, weight loss keto

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