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Sugarless Drink Packet Comparison – Grape Energy Drinks

Sugarless Drink Packet Comparison – Grape Energy Drinks

My Comparison Of Grape Energy Sugarless Drink Packets.

These are the sugarless drinks I compared for energy and taste.


See me equally compare each one for mixing, color, taste of the powder, taste of the drink, energy effect and side effects I noticed from this brief exposure. I am sensitive to Aspartame, which is what got me started on my search for the best energy drink that comes in single serving packets.

Change Your Body’s Water Supply

I’m doing this to back up one of the first things I advise dieters. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, never drink carbonated sodas!
But I’m not suggesting you do this without offering you a substitute. You see, lifestyle changes are not just about self denial and guilt cycles. Lasting changes involve making a series of replacements. Switching out the bad for the better. So drink flavored water to reduce free carbon gasses and processed super sugars in your body.



This is my comparison of the Top Energy Drinks that are available in single-serving packets. I’m comparing for energy and also for taste. Since Grape is the most common flavor it is my choice for comparing their ability to make a pleasing and realistic-tasting energy beverage. I do not want to taste caffeine or chemical sugars. To establish a baseline for grape flavor I’ve included the best sugar-free brands of Welch’s, Kool-Aid and Hi-C.

These are all the energy and sugarless drinks I compared


Energy Drinks and Water Flavoring Drinks

Here’s a chart of the costs and taste of the powdered drink flavor packs I tested

Sugarless Drink Packet Calories Price Count Cost/bottle taste
GreatValue Energy Grape 10 $2.88 20 $0.14 fruitier, oily feel
Meijer Meijer Energy 10 $1.50 10 $0.15 best one, concord grape
Dollar General Pure Kick 10 $1.00 6 $0.17  no grape, fruity & sweet
Propel Grape Energy 0 $2.48 10 $0.25  slight flavor, unsweetened
Stacker 2 0 $1.00 1 $1.00 chemical
Hi-C Grabbin Grape 5 $1.00 8 $0.13 sweet, like white grape
Kool-Aid Sugarless Punch 0 $1.00 6 $0.17 sweet like Kool-Aid & sugar
Crush Grape drink 5 $1.00 6 $0.17 syrupy sweet, sticky feel
Welch’s Sugarless Grape 5 $1.00 6 $0.17 good fruit-sweet mix 
Sunkist Grape 5 $1.50 6 $0.25 sweeter


Energy Drinks and Water Flavoring Drinks

Here’s a chart of the contents of the powdered drink flavor packs I tested

Sugarless Drink Packet Sweeteners Energy Content
GreatValue Energy Grape Maltodextrin, Aspartame, Natural Flavor Caffeine, B6, B12
Meijer Meijer Energy Maltodextrin, Aspartame Caffeine, B12, B6
Dollar General Pure Kick Maltodextrin, Aspartame Caffeine, B5-6-7-12, Guarana, Ginsing
Propel Grape Energy Maltodextrin, Sucralose, Natural Flavor Electrolytes, B5-6-12
Stacker 2 Sucralose, Artificial Grape Flavor Caffeine, B5-6-12
Hi-C Grabbin Grape Maltodextrin, Natural-Artificial Flavor, Sucralose 100% C,
Kool-Aid Sugarless Punch Maltodextrin, Aspartame 10%C. Preservative BHA
Crush Grape drink Aspartame, Natural-Artificial Flavor, Maltodextrin
Welch’s Sugarless Grape Maltodextrin, Natural-Artificial Flavor, Sucralose 10%C
Sunkist Grape Maltodextrin, Aspartame, Natural Flavor, Veg juice

Energy Drink Test Conclusions

I found the Dollar General Pure Kick had the best energy with the least caffeine sweats or jitters. Second best energy drink was the Meijer Store brand for flavor and metabolic lift. Stacker 2 had the most caffeine and the worst flavor. The Great Value drinks are good but there’s too much Aspartame in it and 10 calories, why not zero?

Benefits Of Substituting Powdered Drinks For Bottled Sodas

Substituting water flavors for carbonated soda pop can be a health improvement decision that reaps unexpected benefits. You don’t need to inhale extra carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, so why would you want to deliver the same to your bloodstream by drinking it? All carbonated beverages are, by definition (carbon gas emitting) are toxic to your body. Then the excess sugar is a major problem. It builds a fat generating metabolism and makes your body fluids acidic, which is a preferred state for infectious diseases and viruses. When your body goes acidic the enzymes and RNA can not operate well. Your immune system suffers while the potential invaders are assisted.

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