Lower Ab Exercises Variations -Reverse Crunch
Try this crunch variation. It’s a lower ab exercise called a reverse crunch. It’s kind of in between a crunch and an extreme leg lift. I don’t think this is one to include in a basic level workout. It involves bending your legs up and over your chest. This chest compression and inversion of the body pushing blood to the head may involve risk for some people. It also requires strength and flexibility that one might not have. So it’s one to work up to.
Reverse Crunch Instructions
1. How To Start Reverse Crunches
One of the best lower ab exercises you should try at home as a beginner is the reverse crunches. For the best outcome, you should start on your back while keeping your knees bent. Your feet should be flat on the floor while your palms should face down as you lie down. Make sure you spread your arms in a straight way to each side for extra support.
2. Lift Up With Your Legs
Raise both of your legs and bring your knees towards your chest. As you lift your legs from the ground and contract your abs, exhale to allow the abs to contract fully. Proceed to raise your knees towards your chest, and then bring them directly over your body’s hips. Make sure your knees are bent at 90 degrees angles, and hold your thighs in such a way that they form a perpendicular line to the floor. Let the abs work but use your body’s arms to balance.
3. Lift Your Lower Back and Arms Off the Mat
Make sure you inhale and then inhale as you proceed to raise your lower spine and hips off the ground. You should then bring your knees towards your head and your pelvis and hips towards your rib cage. As you do this, ensure your knees are bent at 90-degree angles.
4. Steadily, Return Your Hips to the Mat
Bring your hips and lower spine back the mat as you slowly inhale. Lower your legs, which will enable your knees to be directly positioned above your hips. Make sure they are bent at 90-degree angles. For you to prevent lower back strain, you should ensure your knees are bent at 90 degrees above your body’s hips as you return to the set position. Avoid moving them past your hips or bringing your feet to the ground between the reps.
Home Lower Abs Exercises Do Not Have To Take All Day.
Get It Done in 20 Minutes / Day!
The above lower ab beginner exercises should make it easy for you stay physically fit. Make sure you consume a balanced diet, and consult your doctor before embarking on these exercises. More guidance is available for free when you Sign Up with your name and email.
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