Here’s Another Autumn Favorite You Will Like
Pumpkin Pie Flavor Syrup
Now here’s more info about sugarless sweeteners
Sugarless alternatives that are not artificial sweeteners have become very popular these days. So ChocZero has a full range of sugar free candies and flavoring syrups. However, they are constantly experimenting with seasonal flavors. Some flavors are iconic holiday candy flavors. For Christmas you think of peppermint. For Halloween, through Thanksgiving, you think Pumpkin Pie Spice. When autumn arrives, you find pumpkin spice flavor put in everything imaginable. Now you can include that flavor in any of your holiday recipes while only adding one net carb per serving.
The reason they can produce such seemingly impossible sweeteners and chocolates without processed sugars, HFCS, or extra fats is because they use monk fruit extract. This is a natural, organic non-caloric sweetening. This is different from maltitol, or maltodextrin. Because monk fruit is not fermented into an alcohol sugar. It is a true low carb sweetener.
Here’s What You Want
So if you want a finished product for Halloween giving or just to show off your sugar free lifestyle. Try the peanut butter cups and peanut butter filled chocolate pumpkins. They are the biggest and best thing in the sugarless chocolate industry right now. So get them now before they are gone for the season. There is also a big chance that these seasonal sweets may temporarily sell out. If that happens to you when you order, get what’s available . Then circle back around a few days later when more can be produced.
Also, for those who just want some sugarless help. Try the flavored syrups. They are full of potent flavor at one carb per serving. Turn that gingerbread cookie recipe into a sugarless pumpkin spice gingerbread cookie, that hot cocoa into a pumpkin pie and cocoa sensation.
So buy some sugar free candy for a healthier Halloween. Because these spooky sugarless chocolate treats won’t scare away your sweet tooth.
 Sugarless Chocolate Pumpkins and Pumpkin Pie Flavored Syrup